Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Revamp of christmas

Malo lava this is my narrative about Christmas. The situation is that they try find their missing christmas star.

Tessa, Jeff, Ralonda and Max. They all live in the same house. It was was christmas. Ralonda and Tessa started making the stockings as the boys Max and Jeff were getting the decorations done.

“Mmm what’s that smell” as Ralonda followed the smell.

“It’s my new recipe called Roast chicken” Tessa replied.

As Max was looking through the decorations he had a feeling that something was missing. He looked at the tree he looked closer and notice that there was no star. He was so shocked that he was panicking. He told everyone else and they were figuring how they’re going to find it.

Panicking is everywhere in the house in the rooms in the kitchen where is this star. Looking under and over things has been done repeatedly again and again. As Jeff walked into the lounge he saw  something sparkly under the tree. He wonder what it was.

“Found it” yelled Jeff.

“Where was it? said Max

“it was under the tree.”

TING! came from the oven. Ralonda pulled out the chicken as they all grabbed their plates and started to dig in.

“I LOVE CHRISTMAS” said Max. As they put the star back on the christmas tree. So they all spent their christmas happily!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Kia ora this is my narrative about Christmas.

Tessa, Jeff, Ralonda and Max. They all live in the same house. It was Christmas. So Ralonda and Tessa started making the stockings as the boys Max and Jeff were getting the decorations done.

“Mmm what’s that smell said Ralonda”

“It’s my new recipe called Roast chicken” said Tessa.

As Max was looking through the decorations he had a feeling that something was missing. So he looked at the tree he looked closer and notice that there was no star. He was so shocked that he was panicking. He told everyone else and they were figuring how they’re going to find one.

They all went to there rooms and had a look around for the star. Through books they looked under beds there were having a headache in the heads. Come on we need that star.

“Found it” yelled Jeff.

“Where was it? said Tessa it was under the tree.

TING! came from the oven. Ralonda pulled out the chicken as they all grabbed their plates and started to dig in.

“I LOVE CHRISTMAS” said Max. As they put the star on the christmas tree.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Different Birthstones!

Birthstones. Different Birthstones with different meanings I wonder what my reason of my stone will be? There is over 50 stones in the world. 

My stone is sapphire the story behind that is that Blue is the color of the element of Water. It symbolizes the ocean, sleep, the sky, and twilight! peaceful, refreshing and calming and also harmony. I love my stone because it’s my favourite colour and I love how it’s designed. So click on link to take you to see your own birthstone and see what is the story about it.

So that’s all viewers I hope you enjoy my writing about different birthstones here is all the Birthstones I can list: Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite, Ruby, Peridot, Sardonyx, Sapphire, Opal, pink, Tourmaline, Citrine, Yellow, Topaz, Blue Topaz, and Turquoise. I hope you've enjoyed my writing. Ka kite ano.    

Monday, November 12, 2012


A Birthstone is a gemstone that represents the month of your birthday. It has different colours with different meanings. Just click on this link and find your colour of your birthday and on the sidebar there’s a story behind it!

Birthstones are really cool to check out and my one is Sapphire. Sapphire is the colour blue. Here is one of the pictures that has different birthstones that you might be interested in! These are the birthstones that might lead to your month. My favourite one is Aquamarine because it’s my favourite colour blue and I love the way how it’s designed.

So stay tuned Because my next post will be about different birthstones. I hope you had a great time wondering what birthstones are all about! it’s a stone that represents your month. Ka kite ano!

Monday, November 5, 2012


On one spooky Halloween night were 4 kids, named Jason,Kent, Rita and Tanisha. Jason dressed up as Dracula and Kent was a ghost,Rita was Mavis the girl vampire and Tanisha was a angle.

Off they went to the first house. When they knocked, a kind lady gave them a hand full of candy each. Up the stairs of the next house Rita knocked on the door.A squeaky noise came at the back of them... “AHHH!!!” came from Kent in a girly way. 

“Boo”! Shouted the older kids as they snatched the bags of lollies.Jason was angry, frustrated and annoyed. They didn’t know what to do! Rita was smart, she wanted to get her candy back but how?
As they were planning to get there candy back they thought of the greatest plan ever! There plan was the oldest trick, the trip over string trap. 

So they quickly ran back to Kent’s house. They grabbed the string and they grabbed the duct tape. “But how will we find them?” said Tanisha. While they looked out the window,  surprise, surprise they saw the guys that stole their candy.Setting up the trap at Kents house they were ready. Luckily the older guys didn't know it was kents house.BANG!!! came from outside kents house so screaming wildly came out Kent, Rita, Tanisha and Jason."Hahaha who laughing now" said Jason. So they quickly went back inside!

Tipping out of the bags were their candy mmmm said Jason. So they changed back to normal sat in the living room and ate there chocolate happily!!!